Dear Bristol Families,
How exciting that we have finished our first full week of school. Our students are getting to know each other, their teachers and school routines. I know we are all looking forward to the Labor Day weekend and want to remind you that we will not have school on Monday.
I also wanted to let you know about a conversation the teachers and I had about student drop off in the morning. We still want to foster student independence but want to make our school a welcoming place. With this in mind, we will now allow parents to drop children off at their classroom door. I still need you to keep a few things in mind:
- All adults and children are required to wear masks while in the building.
- Adults must leave the building once they have dropped their child off.
- Any parent who wishes to stay and visit in a classroom must make arrangements with their child’s teacher in advance. Also, any parent wishing to stay and visit must sign in at the front office.
Please keep student resiliency in mind as you make choices as a family. Students of any age take great pride in being responsible for things like hanging up their coat and getting started in their classroom. These small steps of resiliency lead to important skills like trying your best in math or reading.
David Wells